{SV} Scoreboard Sort

Since the {SV} Score Board is simply the interface to a database it has several sorting and ranking options:

sb-btn Sort All Date

The All Date button sorts the results in the order in which they occurred.  The default sort order is most recent to oldest.

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

sb-btn Sort All Course

The All Course button sorts the display by course name.  The default sort order is A to Z.

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

sb-btn Sort All Pony

The All Pony button allow you to sort the results by the pony’s name.The default sort order is A to Z.

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

 sb-btn Sort All Score

The All Score button sorts the results by the final score.   The default sort order is highest to lowest.

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

sb-bth Sort All Time

The All Time button allows you to sort the display on the pony’s adjusted time.The default sort order is lowest to highest .

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

sb-btn Sort Rank-Score

The Rank / Score button generates a list of all ponies showing only their single best score, sorted from the highest score to the lowest.

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

sb-btn Sort Rank-Time

The Rank /Time button generates a list of all ponies showing only their single best time, sorted from the lowest to highest .

Click the Arrow below the Sort button on the control panel to revers the sort order.

 sb-btn Sort Close The Close button closes the menu and releases the script resources.